PPT to Blu-ray: View Your PowerPoint in High Quality and Security

PPT to Blu-rayDo you feel tired of the boring PowerPoint files. How to make an interesting PowerPoint presentation besides those professional video editing programs? You could save it to your hard drive, but those frequently crash. Why not burn it to a Blu-ray Disc?

Why burn PowerPoint to Blu-ray Disc? >>

By burn PowerPoint to Blu-ray Disc, we can enjoy a high definition presentation on TV via Blu-ray players. Also the data can be protected, Blu-ray format has offered the encryption. And the Blu-ray Disc can be kept for a really long time. 

With the launch of the PPT to Blu-ray Disc Burner, this is now possible. First of all the burning process will perserve all the PowerPoint original elements liek transitions, animations, fonts, lanuages, music and movie clips, etc. Not only does this tool allow presenters to save their data, but it also lets them show their work on BD-compatible technologies. This format allows special audio or video portions of a report to stand-out with high-quality color and sound.

The device, which is called the Moyea PPT to DVD Burner, is not only the first PPT tool to burn presentations directly to Blu-ray Disc, but it is also a PPT-to-DVD burner and a PPT-to-video converter. This conversion can be completed in as few as four simple steps.In the latest major upgrade on June 2nd, 2011, Moyea PPT to DVD Burner V4.2 allows users to use their favorite video as Blu-ray/DVD menu background.

David Miller reports that when present a PowerPoint slideshow in a movie form, the audience will pay more attention and interest.