Short Scary Stories for Halloween 2011

            Short Scary Stories for Halloween 2011


One night, a few years ago, my parents were at my 15 year old brother’s football practice. Since I was 14, I could stay home alone. While they were gone, I was watching the Children of the Corn. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is a movie about the devil.

Anyways, I heard growls coming from upstairs. I went upstairs to investigate. I saw nothing, so assuming it was nothing; I went back to watching my movie. I heard it again. I did the exact same thing that I did the last time. It kept happening. After the 5th time, I stopped going upstairs. The growling stopped. I thought that was the end of it.

But no. Near the end of the movie, I heard footsteps on my hardwood floor. Then, my dogs started barking. So I walked into my dining room (where my hardwood floor is). I turned my head and there standing right next to my table was this bloody man just like in the movie. He looked burned. He kept saying something like “I’m from hell” or something like that.

I couldn’t hear over the barking dogs. Just then, my parents walked in the door and the “man from hell” (as I call him) disappeared. I told my parents what happened. Surprisingly they believed me. We sold the house as fast as we could and bought a house as far away as we could. We went from Colorado to New Jersey. We threw away the Children of the Corn.

We learned that watching movies that involve the devil haunt your house with the devil. My mom now bands all devil-related movies from our house. I am now 16 and I will NEVER think of watching a devil related movie again. I am still paralyzed from that scene and probably will be forever.

I was once foolish enough to "play" with one. A couple of years ago my friend got one. He invited me and my brother over to play on Halloween. We did it at midnight. We stated asking simple questions such as whats my age and things like that but quickly out curiosity grew. We asked what its name was and it said "Tansa".

We then asked if it was evil or good, it took a little while to respond but then suddenly the computer turned on and it was satins Wikipedia page. Then the screen flicked to Google and it wrote "I like anagrams." We took little notice of this thinking it was a glitch we kept on playing. We asked can you show yourself. It took a second to realize how stupid we just were.

Suddenly the mirror started making a weird scratching noise and suddenly a figure appeared for a split second in the mirror then the Ouija board stated pointing at letters. It pointed at L U H B D Y O K E I O N D. Then we remembered something about anagrams.
My brother (who's I.Q was 164) worked them out in a flash. Tansa was an anagram on Satan and L U H B D Y O K E I O N D was a anagram of “Look behind you." With blood rushing we turned around only to see a teddy bear. The teddy then walked over to my brother and said “I WUV YOU" and then vanished.

We turned back around to see that my friend was not there. Panicking we rushed out back to our house. A month later we were still traumatized by the incident. I was brushing my hair when I saw my friend in the mirror, in a weak voice he said. "Hell is real, oh how real it is" then he vanished. Long story short Ouija boards spell bad news.

There was a girl named Megan. Megan took a bath twice every day. She took one in the morning and one at night.

One night on Halloween, Megan had just finished passing out candy to trick-or-treaters. She was very tired so she decided to get ready for bed. So she went upstairs to take a bath and brush her teeth. Once she reached the bottom of the staircase, she stopped dead in her tracks. A chill went up her spine.

Standing at the top of the stairs, was a little girl dressed all in white. "Who are you?" Megan asked shakily. The girl just smiled evilly. Then she faded away. After she disappeared, a bone chilling giggle could be heard throughout the whole house. Megan just shook it off as her imagination and continued her way up the stairs.

Once she had the tub filled in the bathroom, she slowly eased into the water and closed her eyes. The warm liquid felt soothing on her aching bones. Suddenly the water started to feel thick and uncomfortable. She looked down and screamed.

The bathtub was filled to the rim with bright red blood. Suddenly, that horrible giggle was heard throughout the house again. Then the little girl appeared beside the tub. The only difference about the girl dressed in white was that her evil grin had changed into a absolutely crazy smile. And the fact that now there was a gleaming silver knife in her small hands. The last words Megan ever heard were "Happy Halloween Megan!" before the little girl plunged the knife through her heart.

The next morning, Megan's parents found Megan lying face down in the tub, a look of pure horror on her face.