Funny Short Thanksgiving Stories

I find these short Thanksgiving stories are really funny, so I post here to share with you. Looking forward to seeing the smile on your faces reading these stories.

1. Turkey Hunters' Tale

Tommy and Billy were discussing their latest turkey shoot. Tommy says emphatically, 'I am never going to take my wife Laura shooting with me ever again, Billy!'

'That bad, eh?' enquires Billy smiling.

'Yeah, Laura did everything wrong, got nothing right. She chattered too much, constantly disturbed the undergrowth, loaded the wrong gauge shot in the gun, used the wrong luring whistles and worst of all,' bellows Tommy, 'she shot more turkeys than me!'

2. Those Ancestors!

The Taylor's were proud of their family tradition. Their ancestors had travelled to America with the Pilgrim Fathers on the Mayflower. They had included Congressmen, successful entrepreneurs, famous sports people and television stars.

They decided to research and write a family history, something for their children and grandchildren. They found a specialist genealogist and writer to help them. Only one problem arose - how to handle Great Uncle Jefferson Taylor who was executed in the electric chair.

The writer said she could handle the story tactfully. When the book appeared the section about Jefferson read:

Great Uncle Jefferson Taylor occupied a chair of applied electronics at an important government institution, he was attached to his position by the strongest of ties, and his death came as a great shock.

3. Big Turkeys and Little Turkeys

If a big turkey is called a gobbler, what do you call a little turkey?

A goblet.

4. Gratitude

In the week before Thanksgiving Mary-Jo asked her class of 9 year-olds to write a paragraph entitled:

'What I am most thankful for on Thanksgiving Day'.

All Joey could write was: 'I am thankful that I'm not a turkey at Thanksgiving.'

5. Be Prepared

Grandma was showing the children a painting of the Pilgrim Family on a Thanksgiving Day card that they had received and she commented, 'The Pilgrim children enjoyed going to church with their mothers and fathers and praying to God.'

Her youngest grandson looked at her doubtfully and asked, 'Then why is their Dad carrying that rifle?'

How to Tell Funny Thanksgiving Stories?

1. Make sure the audience can relate to your funny story.

2. Tell funny stories by mixing personal experiences.

3. Stay calm, don’t let the audience know something is coming.

4. Deliver jokes and funny stories with a very special strange voice.

5. Pause before delivering the punch line.


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