Evergreen April Fools Jokes and Pranks

April Fools' Day has been one of the best holidays. It is just around the corner and you get to play nasty pranks and practical jokes on people - and be cautious to get away with it!

The impossible coins:
This April Fools' practical joke is old but it still works. Superglue some coins to the sidewalk or any spot that has a lot of people walking around. Make sure it's an appropriate place, and then watch people break fingernails to get the coins.

The hidden snakes:
All you need is a rubber snake and some fishing line. Tie the fishing line around the snake and then attach the other end of the line to the inside of a cupboard or anything that opens and closes. Set it up so that when they open the door/cupboard the snake will jump out when they do. This is a totally easy prank to pull off.

The spicy tea:
When your colleges are away from work for a while, put some bastard hot chilies into their tea. Just wait to see their facial expression with a big surprise.

The hair dryer:
Get up really early and sneak into your victims’ bathroom and fill their hair-dryer with baby powder. And when they turn it on, their head will be pure white just like an old person!

The doors:
Switch the "Pull" and "Push" signs on a set of doors. Watch as people get confused trying to open the doors.