PowerPoint Print: PowerPoint Page Setup

Sometimes you may need to print your PowerPoint slides on paper as handout for your audience. Have you ever printed your PowerPoint slides (with notes or not) before? Here is a guide on how to print PowerPoint slides with nots.

This post show us the solution to print the PowerPoint onto paper, but far from perfect. You can see, usually the PowerPoint slide is in 4: 3 in the style as below, this is called Landscape view in PowerPoint.

But for a standard A4 paper, it is like this:

You see the difference, how could PowerPoint style match the A4 paper when you print it? You should set up PowerPoint page style before you create the PowerPoint presentation.

Under Design tab, click Page SetUp, in the pop-up window, directly set the slide size as A4 paper. In this way, your PowerPoint will be perfer match with A4 paper.

In fact there are many other slide sizes in the drop-down list, like the 16:9 size for the widescreen computers or the banner style, which enables you create a banner for a school project or a party. Here is an example on how to create banner using PowerPoint.